These are the draft minutes prepared from the Annual General Meeting held after the RC Gliding National Championships in Benoni on 4 May 2008.
1. Welcome
The outgoing chairperson welcomed all attending the AGM. The organisers of the 2008 Nationals were thanked for their outstanding efforts & an excellent competition. All MGA officers, FAI & portfolio representatives on the MGA are thanked for their contributions during the year.
2. Previous minutes
2.1 Acceptance
It was noted that copies of the 2007 AGM minutes were distributed electronically following the 2007 Nats. No amendments or corrections had been suggested & these were accepted by those attending.
2.2 Matters arising
The matter arising regarding membership fees was discussed. Since the 2007 AGM, a number of requests were posted for suggestions regarding appropriate spending of “membership fees” , with only 2 suggestions received for the year. These suggestions for the purchase of property for accommodating future National Championships as well as funding of the National Teams were discussed, but not agreed by the AGM. It was also noted that the MAASA membership fees introduced for 2007/2008 appeared to have a negative impact on the participation of non FAI competitive pilots & also that previous requests for MGA membership fees were not well received. Following discussion it was generally agreed that the current & future RC Glider pilots had a need for funding of National competitions & that this funding would be requested from the active competitive RC glider pilots on an entirely voluntary basis – either via an annual or monthly “donation” as appropriate from the relevant pilots. It was noted that the MGA was not geared towards administration of individual memberships, but a simple & transparent mechanism for reporting “National Competition funding” could be distributed via the normal channels. An incentive mechanism for recognising those pilots contributing towards this fund was discussed, but not agreed upon at this time. Action: The MGA to communicate & action the “National Gliding Championships Fund”.
3. Proposals
3.1 Location of Nationals separate from National Championships
It was proposed that the MGA AGM’s not be held at the National Championships, but instead be kept separate. This proposal was declined by the AGM and agreed that future AGM's would continue to be held at the National RC Gliding Championships. It was also agreed that formal & itemised proxy votes could be accepted from glider pilots unable to attend the National Championships from 2009. It was recognised that this would require that all proposals be circulated at least 2 weeks in advance to obtain the written proxy feedback by the Secretary via the MGA's existing communication channels. It was agreed that proxy votes could not be used for issues raised under the AGM’s General section (i.e. a proxy vote would not be given to someone). Finally it was also agreed that hosting the AGM during the Nats banquet was generally not well received, and that this rather be kept for the last day of the Nats whilst final scores were tallied & audited. Action: MGA to provide list of proposals two weeks in advance of future AGM's
3.2 Poor weather impact on competitive events
Due to the inclement weather, it was agreed that formal guidelines for competitive event organisers be drafted & circulated for agreement. It was generally proposed that an event could be postponed in the event that no flights were possible, but the agreement regarding when a flight was not possible or the % completion would still need to be agreed & added to the MGA Sporting Code. Action: MGA to draft & all to review via MGA communication channels for implementation from 2009
3.3 Electronic communications
In terms of communications, it was requested that any electronic files attached to emails within the MGASA forum, be uploaded to the files section – as digest readers were unable to receive these attachments. This specifically for formal notifications, bulletins & results of MGA recognised competitions. Action: all to upload files to MGASA files section as necessary
3.4 National Championship hosting committee
It was proposed that a formal RC Gliding National committee be established to assist in the hosting & funding of future National Competitions. Action: The MGA to draft the structure & mechanism for review via existing communication channels for 2009.
4. Election of Office Bearers
4.1 Lionel Brink was re-elected as Chairperson for the MGA unopposed
4.2 No vice-chair was elected, but it was recognised that individuals would be co-opted to this position as necessary
4.3 Volney Klintworth was re-elected as Treasurer for the MGA unopposed
4.4 Gordon Prahm was re-elected as Secretary for the MGA unopposed
4.5 It was noted that FAI competitive disciplines representatives were not elected & were voluntary:
F3B Evan Shaw & Peter Eagle
F3J Vacant (Lionel to discuss with Paul Carnall)
F3K Stephane du Ponsel
F5J Vacant (Lionel to discuss with Malcolm Siebert & assistance from Piet Rheeders)
4.6 In addition, a number of portfolios are managed within the MGA also on a voluntary basis:
T&D Vacant (Lionel to discuss with Simon Tladi)
Calendar Evan Shaw
South Easter John Lightfoot
MGASA Izak Theron
Badges Evan Shaw
HTL Lionel Brink
BVT Dennis Bird
2M / RES100 Evan Shaw
Postals John Lightfoot
G2K John Monk
Slope Soaring Izak Theron & Kevin Farr
Cross Country Paul Carnall
5. Next Meeting
The next AGM is scheduled for the 2009 National RC Gliding Championships, host still to be confirmed. Lionel thanked all for attending the AGM & closed the meeting.