When I arrived at ETB’s “south” field, a number of cars & lines had already been laid out. This in anticipation of the 9 x 3 pilot teams that would be attending that day. A light breeze was blowing in from a northerly direction & moderate overcast conditions seemed to be clearer than the rain storms we had experienced for the majority of the month to date. The grass was very long – in fact there were places that it exceeded the shoulder height of even the tallest pilots. Fortunately ETB had cut a swathe out for the launch corridor & also for landing spots. With the wind direction swinging during the day due to thermal activity, this did make things a little tricky on approach, but the pilots took it all in their stride.
A pilots briefing was called & general rules, safety & frequencies were discussed. During this time it was also agreed that those pilots flying with 2m models would be permitted to score both Open & 2M class by flying a single 10 minute working time & being handicapped for the 2M class. Normally the pilots competing in the 2M class are required to achieve a 6 minute task, but the eager throng agreed that there was absolutely no advantage for those individuals who elected to fly a 2M in Open class (10 minute task) & the motion was passed unanimously.
We also briefly discussed the draft MGA “competition cancellation” guideline. In essence, a competitions scores are automatically ratified (this for League, Team Trials/qualifiers, etc) if more than 60% of the flights are flown. If less than 30% of flights are flown due to weather or any other reasons, then the results are automatically discarded. For the gap in between the assembled pilots must immediately agree to include or discard the results of completed rounds. No complaints were received, and at 09h00 that morning, armed with only the weather prediction, overcast sky & massive humidity, I was convinced that we might yet have apply this rule.
ETB provide a number of CD’s for the event – a pilot taking a turn to time during their “off” slot. It must be noted that ETB also fielded 3 teams – it is clear that this is the fastest growing competitive RC glider club in SA & I am confident that we are going to see great results from them again this year.
The first round kicked of with a moderate breeze straight from the turnarounds & generally good morning lift all around. Scores were high & the day seemed to be starting well. Slot 2 however was the opposite, a simply horrid affair with the top flight time just over 6 minutes in Open class & the poor 2 metres were literally swotted from the sky as massive sink enveloped the field. Slot 3 brightened up again as the sink shrunk back – but big launches were required to get into the lift zone. This set the tone for the remainder of the day, where alternating slots were either punished by wicked sink, or were blessed with bountiful lift. Fortunately the normalisation aspect smooths out the impact of these differences, but the differences between the Open & 2M class models was apparent.
Johan Bruwer was flying his Pike Perfect to good affect & with a spot landing achieved the max for the first slot. Craig Baker, flying a locally designed & built Makulu (?) returned to HTL after a loooong time away, managed to achieve the max during the very difficult second slot. Chris Adrian, also flying a Pike Perfect set the tone for the rest of his event with a max in slot 1.
The scores below are based on the 10 minute task normalisations based on a maximum 6 minute flight and 100 point landing. Alan showed his class by taking the line honours with his Fling, Dion flew a Graupner ARF 2M model to good affect into 2nd & Derek his Sagitta 600 (normalised from his elected 10 min task) into third.
Hi ho, hi ho, & off to soar we go,.....