2019 MGA Nationals Survey

The survey below was distributed this week...

Here are the results.

Could I please ask everyone who reads this to take a moment and give us your answer/s - it will take 30 seconds and will be of great assistance to us.

Our National Gliding Championship is planned for 23-25 Sept 2019.

Our initial thinking was to hold it at Gariep but we have got some feedback on that is making us re-look this.

A - I would participate if it was held in GAUTENG.
B - I would participate if it was help in GARIEP.
C - I plan on coming as a SPECTATOR.
D - I would attend, but NEITHER LOCATION works for me.
E - I would attend, but the DATES DO NOT WORK for me.
F - I have NO INTEREST in competitive flying.
G - I am NOT GOOD ENOUGH to compete.
H - I am NOT FLYING any more / at the moment.
I - Who is the MGA and what are the Nationals?
J - I need more information.
K - Other (please elaborate).

Added later...

Z - I would participate if the dates and place was confirmed in time to make necessary travel and accommodation plans

Please respond with as many letters as is/are applicable to you.

If you have other comments or suggestions, please feel free to add them too.

Please send your answers to flymga@gmail.com or reply on the Yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/mgasa).

Many thanks for the help.
Copyright © Model Gliding South Africa.